In 2006, we had a couple of pretty good snowfalls; these were probably our best snows in a few years. I remember that I had walked to the SAC on the night that the above picture was taken, and everything was all clear when I went in. There wasn't even a forecast of snow that I knew about. About 30 minutes later, I walk out the back door of the SAC, and I find myself walking in a winter wonderland. Everything was covered deep in snow. I had a few little snow fights with some people behind the SAC, and I decided to head back to the room. I was itching, though, to be outside. I waited around a little bit to see if anyone else was going to go, but no one seemed eager to get out in the snow. I decided I was going to head out no matter what so I put on layers of clothes. Others then decided to join me. After everyone got ready, we headed out. The campus, despite being around 10 or 11, was full of activity; it seemed like all CN residents were on Henderson Lawn having a mass snowball fight and general snow playing. Of course, we all joined in. We also made snow angels, licked light poles, and jumped around in the snow. We then headed to the science building and used my trays from the cafe to sleigh down the hill. After that, we decided to head around campus to see it in the beauty of the snow. We then headed over to Swann where we sleighed down the hill in the back, threw snowballs at the girls' windows, and joined some others building a huge snowman. I was up until about three or four that night and enjoyed a nice cup of hot choco when I got back to the room. I was sure classes would be cancelled the next day, but my hopes were dashed when that notice never showed up on the CN homepage. Oh well, we had great fun that night!
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