PICTURE OF 2006...
As noted else where in the Top 10 Photo countdown, 2006 marked the year that myself and my roommates made sort of a closer step to independence. This past year was the year that we moved from our home of two years, Alumni Residence Hall, to the on-campus apartments, App Commons. Four of us had sort of lived together since our freshman year; we've (two rooms of two dorm roommates) been hall neighbors since the beginning. Some other hall neighbors had decided that they were going to try to get into the apartments; a couple of us sort of wanted to join them, but we didn't want to leave our roommates behind (the two that really didn't have interest in moving). We finally convinced them to move over with us, and we sort of became one big family of roommates. It has been a good experience living together; we've certainly have had a lot of fun, and I'm sure we have lots ahead of us. We're building memories to last a lifetime. The picture above is a picture that has been enlarged and stuck in our living room. We decided to have a group picture of us all that lived in the apartment. I don't think we could have made any better picture than a imitation of The Beatles' Abbey Road cover. After countless tries and encounters with traffic, we finally got a good one, and the rest is history.
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Simply amazing. That's all I can say. Writer's block.