Tuesday, November 07, 2006

06 Election: Live Blogging

1:30 - Harold Ford, Jr has given his concession speech, Bob Corker has made his victory speech

12:40 - Bob Corker has won the TN Senate race!

11:04 - Dems have just taken control of the House...God, please save the economy!

10:51 - Dems need 8 more seats to take control of the House

10:04 - Dems now have half of the seats needed to take control of Senate

10 - Santorum has just conceded the Senate race in PA, he bowed out with respect and like a true leader, made his supportors have a round of applause for his opponent Casey, his kids look like he was going to cry, poor Santorums

9:53 - David Davis (R) has been projected to win the US House seat for the 1st Congressional District in TN...should have been expected considering we haven't elected a Dem since the 1800s

9:50 - Dems are projected to take the Senate seat from Rhode Island

9:24 - CNN has just projected the Senate race in Maryland for the Dem candidate even through the screen behind Wolfe clearly said he was somewhat 10 pnts behind the GOP candidate...maybe I shouldn't watch CNN, come on Wolfe!

9:11 - Lieberman has just been projected to win in Connecticut, promises to vote witht the Dems

9:10 - Allen (r) 50%, Webb (d) 49% in VA, it will be a close one throughout the night!

9 - Casey beats Santorium in PA for Senate race (needed by Dems), Hillary won in NY, Hutchison (R) keeps Senate in TX
Poor Santorium

8:50 - Dems just won Senate from Ohio, big loss for GOP

8:48 - story from Tennessean regarding passing of same-sex marriage ban/amendent to the state constitution

8:33 - Frist on CNN, looks agitated, then they annunce projection that Dems take Senate seat for NJ

8:28 - election results coming in for TN...Bredesen projected as winning Gov race w/ 75%...Same-sex marriage ban projected as being accepted w/ 85%
Dems have picked up 1st needed seat in the House to take control (in Ind)

8:00pm - nothing new really: Snow & Kennedy are back to the Senate
VA Webb has pulled ahead of Allen w/ 23% reporting...lets see what happens there

7:38 - two sets of polls have closed across the easter seaboard...nothing much has happened...bryd from wv is back in, imagine that

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  1. Great Blog! I agree with you! GOD help us all if the Dems take over the Senate as well.

    -Jessica from FL.

  2. I agree as well!
