Wednesday, August 23, 2006

First Day Done

Well, I finally finished my first day of classes for the 06-07 year. Boy, I am certainly tired. I woke up this morning at 8:30, and I have been going non-stop all day long. I have three classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; they start at 10 and last until 1. I am pretty glad that I don't have a late-in-the-afternoon class anymore. I don't like going to class late and then working late. Although, this means that I have to have two classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays lasting from 10:20 until 1:15(?). I hope it will be a nice change of pace. One of my classes is Computer Information Systems 302; for that class, I have a Korean professor that is new to the CN campus. It is sort of weird. Even though it is a 300-level computer class, the first thing he told us was to log off the computers and we will probably use them only once or twice the entire semester. Um, I'm not sure, but don't we need to use computers to learn about them? Last year's professor used them everyday, and I just don't understand how we will be able to learn anything especially since it is hard to understand his English. I then went to work. Following that, I went to the campus picnic and the traditional Eagle Strut put on by the new freshman at CN. They put on some great shows. Although, I think my old dorm, Alumni, got gypped. They had an awesome show of music of the last century complete with fireworks and shooting confetti. They, however, only place second. The winning girl's team had a great show, though; they had a pirate show that actually like told a story. Oh well, Howdy Hoot is not that far off!


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