Thursday, July 21, 2005

Happy Birthday, Blog!

That's right! Today is the blog birthday of Mr Rocky Top!! Woot woot!! Today, the blog is celebrating two years of talk about almost everything. Hopefully, the reading is interesting. Most importantly, though, I enjoy using this a medium to just say whatever I want. Be sure to check in throughout the day for some celebration posts and an important announcement that teased on Tuesday. Here is a brief rundown history of Mr. Rocky Top:

1999-2000: I build the "ST World" website featuring email, news, entertainment stuff, plenty of links, and the wildly popular "Relative of the Month". This also included other websites Sheep Project, Jerry's Pig Roasts, Smith Topsoil, and libertyweb. After I got tired of all the work involved with that, I called it quits and sadly took down the whole thing.

July 21, 2003: After a departure from the web for a year or two, I read an article featuring a new thing called blogs and talked about the company Blogger in the story. I checked the site out and signed up. I posted for about a month and got tired of it because I think one person actually read it (two, including me).

July 2004: After a year of avoiding my blog, I decided to start fresh and new. I deleted everything, including the layout, and started over.

July 2005: Now that's history, and I'm ready for the future (sort of).