Friday, July 08, 2005

Europe: The New Terrorist Hotbed?

It certainly appears that Europe has turned into a new hotbed of terrorists. A year ago, Moscow was attacked; a month after that Madrid's train system was attacked. Yesterday London's transit system was attacked. Many September 11th conspirators were from the "Hamburg cell" in Germany. British, German, French, and Spanish officials are constantly announcing arrests in their countries of suspected terrorists. Maybe our military is going to the wrong places in search for them? They seem to be all from Europe. Maybe all the terrorists were born in the Mid East, but they all seem to move to the European continent. But why would many terrorists be in Europe? I assume that Europe gives them a chance to adapt to this society and learn how we operate to make their attacks more efficient. I would also think that the terrorists would feel more protected in this continent than in the Middle East. They know that the American military are hot on the trail of the evildoers in the Arab countries. The terrorists know that we can't attack our allies in Europe and that gives them more safety from arrests. Maybe we need to focus our anti-terrorism measures in Europe with CIA officials and help from the local governments. We certainly need to do something because the terrorists are getting closer and closer to another attack here at home.

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