Well, Spring Break is only about a week away, and I can't wait! Gosh, things have been so busy! It's like things never end. I have to concentrate on one class for like a paper or to study for a test, and when I am done with that class I have to move on to another and work really hard in that one. It's like an never-ending story (I actually meant to say cycle but this reminded me of that child-hood classic). Last night, I finished my first major paper in English, and I felt a sigh of relief as I pressed submit. Tears came to my eyes with pride as I saw my paper being turned in (not really, but it added some drama). I have got some pretty good news on the church side of things. I think I might have found a church to go to (keep your fingers crossed and keep praying), but I'm not 100% sure if this is the church that God wants me at. I do feel lead here, though. I'll just have to wait and see. The people there are really friendly (much like my church back home), and I feel comfortable there. On the homefront, I hear that things are going well there too. It seems like that they might have found a preacher that they like. I have heard some really good things; I just hope that I feel the same way when I go back home over Spring Break. My home church really needs your prayers. We have been through so much! Maybe one day I will share with you the trials that we have been through. I also have some exciting news to share regarding something I might be involved in. I still not absolutely certain that it will fall through so I will wait to inform everyone, but I will tell you that it is related to the show "The Amazing Race," which starts in ONE week!
Filed Under: tnamazingrace, college, friends, family
Hey Shawn, just thought i leave you a post. What churh are you going to cause, i am also looking for a good church. I miss my home church too :(! So whats your exciting news? I want to hear it, he he :). Love ya, Beth