Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Top 10: #3

Picture Taken: May 29
Once again another graduation picture (in reference to picture #4). My graduation luau was such a great celebration and concluded a great day. It also helped me remember the important things in life, family and friends. These are the important components of my life. Without these pieces of my life, I would be nothing. Even if I don't display it all the time, my family and friends mean the world to me. I truly don't know what I would do without you all. One crazy event that took place at the luau was when a few of us went swimming with our clothes on. It didn't happen intentionally, though. A few of us got thrown in. Pictured here (from left to right) is Connie, Holly, myself, Karen, Amy, and Casey. Ahh, some sweet, sweet memories from 2004.

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