Wednesday, January 12, 2005

First Day, Fireman Fun

Well, I am back at school. It was a little hard to leave home. I had a great time over the Christmas break. That's life, though. Have to get used to it. I left yesterday morning at about 9, and I started classes bring and early today. I thought that I would never get unpacked, but I finally did. Had a couple of interesting events over the two days. As I was unpacking, I was shoeless. I didn't think a thing about this because I really didn't have any reason to think otherwise. Well, I was wrong. I was moving something and didn't really look at were I was stepping. All of a sudden, I felt this sharp pain in my right foot. I lift it up to look at it, and I see a chunk of skin hanging from the bottom with blood pouring out. That freaked me out a little bit. I put some medicine on it and a band aid. I say it will take a while for it to heal because it took out a pretty big chunk of skin. I think I stepped on some electric chord prongs, but I'm really not sure. After I got all my unpacking done and watched the Amazing Race, it was time to go to bed. Well, I finally go to sleep. I'm sleeping good in comparison to some lately nights. All of a sudden, I am rudely awakened by this extreme chirping sound, almost like a cricket on steroids. I finally think of the fire alarm. I thought that this was crazy to have a fire drill at one in the morning the night before the first day of classes. Well, we all go outside and across the street and stand there for a while. Then, some security guards and police pull up. I thought that maybe they just wanted to be there to be sure everything went ok. I was wrong. We suddenly hear some very loud sirens, and one firetruck pulls up. I thought that this must be the real deal. After another 10 minutes, two more firetrucks pull up and some more firemen. After they took their time putting on their gear and getting ready, it is obvious that some pulled the fire alarm and that there isn't a real fire. They make us stand outside for like 30-45mins before they let us in. When I get back in bed, it takes me forever to get back to sleep. I hope this start isn't an indication of the semester to come. I did learn one thing through this one o'clock experience. This dorm would burn to the ground before the firemen got here. It took forever for all of them to get there and they took their sweet time when they did arrive. Oh well. Good times!

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