Monday, September 27, 2004

Too Many Versions

Gosh, talk about some struggles walking through your Christian life! I have definitely had some problems with my Christian walk lately! It's not that I have distanced myself away from God or anything (but I guess everyone could always improve on their walk with Him). I am struggling with the Bible. Back home, almost everyone and almost every church used KJV and nothing else, and other English translations came straight from Hell. Here around Carson-Newman, I have hardly saw anyone with a KJV version, and I haven't visited one church yet that used it in its services. This is also apart of my thing about trying to find a new church. I have always been told from birth that you don't go to a church that don't use anything but the KJV. I am so scared that I will go to one of these churches and miss out on the truth. But my personal opinion sort of differs from others I have grown up around. I haven't ever in my life really heard a really good, convincing argument from anyone that the KJV is the only English translation of the Bible that is the truth. My personal belief that a version that is translated from the original Hebrew text into English and is not paraphrased or the meaning is changed is fine. Now, I do have a problem with versions that are like translations of the KJV. The translators of those versions would have to sort of have to use their own judgement as to what the Bible is saying. I don't like it when a person just says this is what this passage means and nothing else. This is what I believe happens when you start to get into these translations of translations. I firmly believe that God gave the words to the origianl authors of the Bible in a way that whoever reads it gets a meaning in a way that God wants them to get at that particular time. The next day, God might show you something different in the same passage, and you get a totally different meaning out of it. I have pretty much elminated NIV from my list of versions to trust because I know that they get rid of the "virgin" label on Mary which totally defeats the idea that Jesus was born without sin. I have encountered a version called the New King James Version. I sort of like it because it seems to be almost exactly the same as the original. I didn't realize, though, how many versions there are and how many paraphrased "Bibles" are around. I guess I'm just going to have to be careful and investigate how each version came to be. It going to be hard, but God will lead me through this struggle. It will be hard, but I will just have to push on.

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