Friday, December 01, 2006

Computer Help Needed!

When I tgggggggggggggggggype in a few select numbers & lettggggggggggggers on my laptoggp. The lettgggggggggger "g" likes tggggo rgggggggggandomly repeatggggggggg. I don'tggggggggggg know why. Does anyone haveggggggggggggggg any ideas how to fgggggggggggix this? I am despergggggggggately in need ofggggggg help. Also, my touchpad works only when it wants to.

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  1. Have you called Dell to see if they might know what the problem is?

  2. I believe the warranty has expired so we'd have to pay them.

  3. If something is wrong with your computer, warranty or not, it will have to be fixed. Is there anyone in JC that can check it? Might just be a stuck key or keys. See ya later. Love Ya!!!

  4. Try blowing out the keyboard with a some canned air. There may be some debris in there.
