Monday, September 18, 2006

An Apology

Now that I have passed a major milestone here at this blog, I must take time to apologize to all for my recent behavior. I feel like I have lost the original focus of this website; I started this blog with the purpose of sharing life's events with friends and family and creating a place where I could easily express myself. Since January, though, I sort of withdrew my personal life from the site. I was afraid of being chastised and judged by people that have nothing better to do (people that know what happened last Jan realize why I felt that way). From this post forward, I say no more! This is my blog; if you don't like what you read, there are plenty of other websites on the Internet that you might find enjoyable. I will no longer be influenced by those people that enjoy placing judgement on others. If you have problems with what I write, tough luck; this is my blog and not yours! If you have a disagreement or think I went too far with a post, please leave a comment or send an email; don't spread rumors. My mind stays open. From now on, I will try to insert more events from my life into the blog. I will still include non-personal events (such as news, which I think is important), but I will refocus on experiences that make life special. Again, I apologize to those that have felt my lost of focus. I will certainly do better from now on. Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

  1. Way to go!!!! Wondered how long it would take you to realize that those people were just instigators and trouble makers, not friends. Those people just helped us to realize that there was something better out there and to keep our trust in our Lord because he had something better in store for us. Yes, I have missed your normal post, but I knew you would eventually see them for what they were. Yes, this is your blog and if they don't like reading what you put there they can just keep their nose to their self. By, the way on your previous post of the pictures, I liked all of them but one and you know which one I am talking about.
