Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Spam Sucks

I've finally done it; I have enabled word verification for comments. This means that if you try to leave a comment, you will be prompted to enter a word displayed in a image. I have been trying to resist this for a while because I love getting comments and don't want to be anti-comments; however, the level of spam comments (comments that are automatically added and not from real people) has reached a level that I can't accept anymore. I spend too much time deleting those boogers. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I love a spam-free internet.

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  1. Hey, I'm right with ya. I hate spam and they make what should be fun a pain. Have you checked out wordpress? It's much better, I've found at knocking out the spam.

  2. Thanks for the anti-spam support! I've looked at wordpress, but I'm happy for right now at least. :o)

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