Today has certainly been quite a busy day. I started working at about 8:30 this morning and it has been basically non stop since then. I say many of you have no idea what I am doing so maybe I should inform you. I'm a student worker at the Global Ed Department here at CN, and I have been helping with the orientation of new international students. It has been somewhat fun. I do like the campus better right now. People are right off of from summer break and are much chippier than they are once school gets rolling. I've had some really nice conversations with some staff that I usually dread having to see. Maybe it will last? Probably not though. It has been kind of hard with these new students; their English isn't that good and my Korean is certainly worse so communication can be hard sometimes. I really feel for them! They are half way around the world away from the people and customs that they know; they are having to learn a whole new way of life. They certainly have some guts and should be commended for their efforts! I swear, though, that two of them look just like Michael Jackson (sort of scary). Tomorrow it will end; I might go home and I might not...I'm not quite sure right now.
Filed Under: college
Hey Karen! I just found your comment; I guess its too late to call now. :o)