Tonight VBS activity was sort of challenging, mostly with the teen class though. With the bigger kids, we played the "Amazing Wet & Wild Blind Caterpillar Relay." The person in the back had to call out directions for the people up front. The people up front happen to have blindfolds on and they each team had to be lead through an obstacle course type thing with water intermingled along the way. They were suppose to follow the arrows on the ground and go through certain checkpoint things. Not all the teams went the right way, they got separated, tripped over things. It was almost mass confusion. Oh well. I did better the Junior class since I lead the leader through the course before we started (very good idea). I was sort of embarrased that it failed with the teens because I wanted everyone to have fun, but it didn't turn out the best. The smaller kids had lots of fun, though. The Primary class enjoyed a nice round of a water balloon toss, and the Preschool class had funning drawing on the pavement with sidewalk chalk. Hopefully tomorrow's games will be funner for the bigger kids (if they actually take part...something about the bigger kids and not wanting to do anything).
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